OAuth - Mechanism and Attacks
π OAuth is a commonly used authorization framework that enables websites and web applications to request limited access to a user's account on another application.
Users can fine-tune which data they want to share rather than having to hand over full control of their account to a third party.
The basic OAuth process is widely used to integrate third-party functionality that requires access to certain data from a user's account.
How It Works
OAuth 2.0 was originally developed as a way of sharing access to specific data between applications.And It was not initially designed with authentication in mind;
OAuth is series of interactions between three distinct parties
Client application
The website or web application that wants to access the user's data.
Resource owner
The user whose data the client application wants to access.
OAuth service provider
The website or application that controls the user's data and access to it. They support OAuth by providing an API for interacting with both an authorization server and a resource server.
OpenID Connect
π Provides a dedicated identity and authentication layer that sits on top of the basic OAuth implementation.It adds some simple functionality that enables better support for the authentication use case of OAuth.
As each of these implementations was a custom workaround of sorts, there was also no standard way of requesting user data for this purpose(Authentication).
OpenID Connect solves a lot of these problems by adding standardized, identity-related features to make authentication via OAuth work in a more reliable and uniform way.
OpenID : How It Works
standardized set of scopes
extra response type: id_token
OpenID Connect Roles
Same as OAuth
Relying party : Client application
End-User : Resource owner
OpenID Provider : Service Provider
OpenID Connect claims and scopes
Claims : refers to the key:value pairs that represent information about the user on the resource server.
Scope:Unlike basic OAuth, whose scopes are unique to each provider, all OpenID Connect services use an identical set of scopes.
The client application must specify the scope openid in the authorization request. They can then include one or more of the other standard scopes:
π Each of these scopes corresponds to read access for a subset of claims about the user that are defined in the OpenID specification.
Profile : Claims Related to user's identity, such as family_name, given_name, birth_date
ID token
π This returns a JSON web token (JWT) The JWT payload contains a list of claims based on the scope that was initially requested. It also contains information about how and when the user was last authenticated by the OAuth service.
Better performance : Instead of having to get an access token and then request the user data separately, the ID token containing this data is sent to the client application immediately after the user has authenticated themselves.
OAuth (Implementation | Flows | Grant types)
π The OAuth grant type determines the exact sequence of steps that are involved in the OAuth process.
The client application specifies which grant type it wants to use in the initial authorization request it sends to the OAuth service.
authorization code - implicit grant types as these are by far the most common.
OAuth Scopes
π The client application has to specify which data it wants to access and what kind of operations it wants to perform. It does this using the scope parameter of the authorization request it sends to the OAuth service.
Name of the scope is just an arbitrary text string, the format can vary dramatically between providers.
π When OAuth is used for authentication, however, the standardized OpenID Connect scopes are often used instead.
Authorization Code
1 - Authorization request
π The client application sends a request to the OAuth service's /authorization endpoint asking for permission to access specific user data.
Note that the endpoint mapping may vary between providers
Request Contents:
client_id : Unique identifier of the client application generated when the client application registers with the OAuth service
redirect_uri : The URI to which the user's browser should be redirected when sending the authorization code to the client application. (known as the "callback URI" or "callback endpoint".)
response_type : Determines which kind of response the client application is expecting and, therefore, which flow it wants to initiate. For the authorization code grant type, the value should be code.
Scope : Used to specify which subset of the user's data the client application wants to access.
State : Stores a unique, unguessable value that is tied to the current session on the client application.
The OAuth service should return this exact value in the response, along with the authorization code
This parameter serves as a form of CSRF token
2 - User login and consent(Client-App is Not involved Here)
π The user Logs in to the Service Provider and Accepts The access. To the specified Scope. This is done just for the first time.After That itβs automated as long as the user still has a valid session with the OAuth service.
3 - Authorization code grant
browser will be redirected to the /callback endpoint (specified in the redirect_uri parameter)
The resulting GET request will contain the authorization code as a query parameter.
It may also send the state parameter with the same value as in the authorization request.
4 - Access token request
All communication from this point on takes place in a secure back-channel and, therefore, cannot usually be observed or controlled by an attacker.
Client sends a server-to-server POST request to the OAuth service's /token endpoint.
client_secret: The client application must authenticate itself by including the secret key that it was assigned when registering with the OAuth service.
grant_type : Used to make sure the new endpoint knows which grant type the client application wants to use. In this case, this should be set to authorization_code
5 - Access token grant
The OAuth service will validate the access token request. If everything is as expected, the server responds by granting the client application an access token with the requested scope.
6 - API call
Now the client application has the access code, it can finally fetch the user's data from the resource server.
It makes an API call to the OAuth service's /userinfo endpoint.
The access token is submitted in the Authorization: Bearer header to prove that the client application has permission to access this data.
7 - Resource grant
The resource server should verify that the token is valid and that it belongs to the current client application. If so, it will respond by sending the requested resource i.e. the user's data based on the scope of the access token.
Rather than first obtaining an authorization code and then exchanging it for an access token, the client application receives the access token immediately after the user gives their consent.
1 - Authorization request
The implicit flow starts in much the same way as the authorization code flow. The only major difference is that the response_type parameter must be set to token not code
2 - User login and consent
3 - Access token grant
This is where things start to differ.
The OAuth service will redirect the user's browser to the redirect_uri specified in the authorization request.
Instead of sending a query parameter containing an authorization code, it will send the access token and other token-specific data as a URL fragment.
4 - API call
5 - Resource grant
Here Comes The Problems
The access token is sent from the OAuth service to the client application via the user's browser as a URL fragment.The client application then accesses the token using JavaScript.
Problem : If the application wants to maintain the session after the user closes the page, it needs to store the current user data
Solution(maybe) : The client application will often submit this data to the server in a POST request and then assign the user a session cookie
Authentication bypass via OAuth implicit flow
Intercept That Post Request Mentioned Up There
Replace The Email - Username or any identifier With the victimβs
π Due to the dangers introduced by sending access tokens via the browser,Itβs Recommended only for single-page applications
Attacking OAuth
OAuth authentication vulnerabilities arise partly because the OAuth specification is relatively vague and flexible by design.Although there are a handful of mandatory components required for the basic functionality of each grant type, the vast majority of the implementation is completely optional.(Security Configurations Included)
Flawed CSRF protection
The state parameter is used as CSRF Token and should contain an unguessable value
passed back and forth between the client application and the OAuth service verifying that the request is sent by one of them(client or service)
If this parameter is missing(hence itβs optional) Then the OAuth might vulnrable depending on how OAuth is being used.
You can enforce The victim to user a social media account that you control By Forcing him to send this request (make sure to drop the request in Authorization code grant phase and Let the victim continue)
Exploit :
Leaking authorization codes and access tokens
If the OAuth service fails to validate this redirect_uri URI properly, an attacker may be able to construct a CSRF-like attack, tricking the victim's browser into initiating an OAuth flow that will send the code or token to an attacker-controlled redirect_uri
Exploit :
There Might be some redirect_uri validations Like The Whitelist
You might try the following approach:
understand how it is being validated
base on the mechanism you could bypass the validations using:
The usual SSRF OR CORS Bypasses (Recommened - URL Parsing Issues Section)
server-side parameter pollution
sometimes localhost has a special treatment you might try localhost.evil.com
Sometimes changing one parameter can affect the validation of others play around
For example, changing the response_mode from query to fragment can sometimes completely alter the parsing of the redirect_uri
Stealing codes and access tokens via a proxy page
You should have a relatively good understanding of which parts of the URI you can tamper
Try to change the redirect_uri parameter to point to any other pages on a whitelisted domain.
Directory Traversal as example
May be interpreted on the back-end as:
audit https://client-app.com/example/path for additional vulnerabilities that you can potentially use to leak the code or token.
For the authorization code flow, you need to find a vulnerability that gives you access to the query parameters
For the implicit grant type, you need to extract the URL fragment.
Open Redirect
You can use this as a proxy to forward victims, along with their code or token, to an attacker-controlled domain where you can host any malicious script you like.
By stealing an OAuth code or token, the attacker can gain access to the user's account in their own browser. This gives them much more time to explore the user's data and perform harmful actions, significantly increasing the severity of the XSS vulnerability.
HTML injection
If you can point the redirect_uri parameter to a page on which you can inject your own HTML content, you might be able to leak the code via the Referer header.
Unverified user registration
When authenticating users via OAuth, the client application makes the implicit assumption that the information stored by the OAuth provider is correct. This can be a dangerous assumption to make.
Some websites that provide an OAuth service allow users to register an account without verifying all of their details, including their email address in some cases. An attacker can exploit this by registering an account with the OAuth provider using the same details as a target user, such as a known email address. Client applications may then allow the attacker to sign in as the victim via this fraudulent account with the OAuth provider.
π Facebook for example, You canβt use a new facebook account in OAuth directly after creating it. You have to wait for 1 hour until they validate every detail
Preventing OAuth authentication vulnerabilities
How to prevent OAuth authentication vulnerabilities | Web Security Academy
OpenID Connect | Web Security Academy
OAuth grant types | Web Security Academy
OAuth 2.0 authentication vulnerabilities | Web Security Academy
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