Came looking for SSRF and found XSS
My first bug on H1.
Function :
Importing bookmarks from an external website
How it works :
The function takes URL
Sends HTTP request to the URL
Previews the bookmarks into the website
Then storing it into the page
📌 The function only shows the content of the "a" and "title" tags from that external URL
I tried every possible SSRF attack I know ,but nothing worked.
Self XSS :
I just created a website with The next content :
And Sent the request to my website from the bookmarking function
The "a" tag content is being filtered but titile is not,
For now it’s just a self XSS.
Stored XSS :
The “Add” function here stores the bookmarks into the website.
The self XSS accepted any payload,No kind of XSS prevention is being implemented their.
The add function removes the JS Events from the bookmarks before storing it into the website
After a good fuzzing the next payload worked:
It’s stored in the next form :
📌 The report was closed as informative because of the program’s policy
They don’t accept XSS for some reason.
Last updated